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We are Ready to Help, Safely

Request Appointment

We are open for appointments starting May 12th.

While we are excited to welcome you back to our clinic, we are proceeding carefully to make sure we keep everyone safe and healthy.

We are spacing out appointments to give staff time to clean the clinic.

When you arrive, please phone us at 780-962-3370 from your vehicle. We will tell you when we are ready for you!

Some other things to know:

  • All services now require an appointment. This includes picking up eyeglasses, repairs, adjustments, trying on frames and purchasing of eyeglasses.
  • We are limiting the number of people in our clinic to 15 (including staff). Please come to your appointment alone, if possible. We love kids, but if you are bringing your child for an appointment, please leave siblings at home.
  • Every adult and child over 12 needs to wear a mask. Everyone must sanitize their hands when entering and exiting the clinic.
  • Clinic staff will take every precaution, including sanitizing surfaces regularly.
  • Frames will be sanitized every time they are touched.
  • Physical distance measures will be in place in the clinic and waiting areas.

To book your appointment for any service or eye appointment, please contact us.

Thank you from Dr. Gill and the SGVC staff.

Written by Dr. Gill

Dr. Gill has enjoyed working at Spruce Grove Vision Care for the past six years. He grew up in Brampton, Ontario, just west of Toronto and graduated from New England College of Optometry in 2009. Before that, he earned his bachelor’s degree in health sciences at the University of Western Ontario in 2004.

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