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Keeping a Watchful Eye on Children’s Optometry: the power of free retinal imaging

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Here at Spruce Grove Vision Care (SGVC), we take children’s eye health to heart.

Since a large number of eye conditions generally occur in adults, children don’t often receive any optometric testing beyond the typical vision exam; however, we are dedicated to making sure all of our patients receive the best, most accurate care possible regardless of age.

Did you know? Here at SGVC, we offer free retinal imaging for kids in addition to annual checkups. In fact, it’s our policy that all children have retinal imaging done to ensure their eyes are perfectly healthy.


What’s retinal imaging?

Retinal imaging is a procedure that uses new technology like our Optos machine, to capture a digital image of the retina, blood vessels and optic nerve in the eye. This image gives doctors an opportunity to see more of the eye than ever before, which is why we feel it’s so beneficial for children as we are going a step further than the traditional exam. It’s a quick process and pain free so there’s not need to worry about fussy kids, they’ll be done in a flash!

How it helps our Patients

We recently handled a case that involved a young girl who came to SGVC for a routine eye exam, during which she complained about a possible prescription change. Because retinal imaging is included in children’s eye exams, we were actually able to spot a large retinal detachment starting in her left eye. Because the patient showed no symptoms of a retinal detachment (flashes, floaters, peripheral vision loss), our retinal imaging procedure uncovered a potentially dangerous condition that may have gone otherwise unnoticed.

Our discovery led the patient to a retinal specialist who performed surgery to repair the damage. After making it through the surgery with no complications, this young girl will now be able to see the world with perfect vision thanks to the power of retinal imaging.

To learn more about retinal imaging and vision exams for children, call us at 780.962.337.

Written by Dr. Gill

Dr. Gill has enjoyed working at Spruce Grove Vision Care for the past six years. He grew up in Brampton, Ontario, just west of Toronto and graduated from New England College of Optometry in 2009. Before that, he earned his bachelor’s degree in health sciences at the University of Western Ontario in 2004.

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