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Closed for Now But We’ll See You Again Soon

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Hi everyone,

We have decided that it is in everyone’s best interest that we close SGVC for the foreseeable future.

The spread of the CoVID-19 virus is occurring at an exponentially fast rate and we need to do our part to ‘flatten the curve’ as different health care organizations have outlined.

The long term health of our patients and staff, especially the ones most vulnerable, is our number one priority.

Please email the clinic if you have any questions regarding your contacts, eyeglasses, upcoming appointments. You can reach us at info@sgvisioncare.local.

Thank you for your continued support and please be safe out there, we want everyone to come out of this happy and healthy.


Dr. Gill

Written by Dr. Gill

Dr. Gill has enjoyed working at Spruce Grove Vision Care for the past six years. He grew up in Brampton, Ontario, just west of Toronto and graduated from New England College of Optometry in 2009. Before that, he earned his bachelor’s degree in health sciences at the University of Western Ontario in 2004.

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