Our Practice in St. Albert & Spruce Grove

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Comprehensive Eye Care for Your Family

We understand that your eyes are one of your most precious senses. That’s why we’re committed to providing comprehensive eye care for the whole family, from your youngest child to your grandparents. 

We believe in building long-lasting relationships and delivering true value to each patient, whether new or returning.

Whether you need a routine eye exam, new glasses or contact lenses, or treatment for a condition like dry eye, our experienced team is here to help. 

Visit us in St. Albert or Spruce Grove today!

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A Word from Our Eye Doctors

“My belief is we will go to the utmost level to treat a patient right, whether it’s emergency eye health, a routine eye exam, or working out a referral system with another doctor.

We take every step necessary to make sure our patients are serviced properly. We don’t want to turn anyone away, and we’re willing to do anything we can to help them. That’s the basics of our ethics.”

Working with You Through Direct Billing

We partner with and direct bill to a number of different insurance providers, including:

If your insurance provider isn’t listed above, please contact us for more information.

Meet Our Erin Ridge Team


Dr. Raminder Gill



Dr Shaminder Dhaliwal



Lisa Benjamins

Managing Licensed Optician


Amy Shipalesky-Ethier

Optometric Assistant

Meet Our Spruce Grove Team


Dr. Raminder Gill



Dr Shaminder Dhaliwal



Karen Kreye

Office Manager, Licensed Optician


Cassey Boehm

Assistant Manager, Contact Lens Fitter, Optician


Loretta Maidment

Licensed Optician





Cindy Doell


Visit Our Location

Spruce Grove

  • 216 Main St.
  • Spruce Grove, AB T7X 0G2
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Erin Ridge

  • 520 – 1115 St. Albert Trail
  • St. Albert, AB T8N 7X6
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