Modern Technology, Small-Town Caring:

Eye Care in St. Albert & Spruce Grove

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Personalized Family Eye Care

Vision Care Centres are locally owned and operated, so you get that personalized, compassionate, small-town feel with the benefits of modern technology.

We also direct bill to most insurance companies for your convenience.

Whether it’s time for your child’s eye exam, a contact lens update, or if dry eyes are slowing you down, Dr. Raminder Gill and our team are here to help.

Spruce Grove Location
Erin Ridge Location

Comfortable & Clear Vision Together

Your vision is your world. The quality and clarity of your sight can change how you experience life. That’s why we’re here to help.

We offer a range of services to help identify and manage eye conditions. We can help refresh comfort for dry eyes, manage growing nearsightedness in school-age kids, or recommend eyeglass lenses that can reduce glare or eye strain.

We know how essential it is to see clearly, comfortably, and without worry. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the care you need.

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Visit Our Location

Spruce Grove

  • 216 Main St.
  • Spruce Grove, AB T7X 0G2
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Erin Ridge

  • 520 – 1115 St. Albert Trail
  • St. Albert, AB T8N 7X6
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